Filthy Communication

Scripture Reading - Colossians 3:8-10 KJV

8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

While studying communication we see various types of communication listed in the Holy Bible. Today’s topic is “filthy communication” which is basically speaking words that are unclean. Another word that could be substituted for “filthy” is “vile” both these words express thoughts and behaviors that are anti-Christ. As we saw with the “corrupt communication” lesson the words anger, wrath and malice are involved because those attitudes are common in both “corrupt” and “filthy communication”. The sight difference with “filthy communication” is that it uses degrading words that are unholy and contain offensive language. We notice in verse 8 that blasphemy is mentioned in the same company of “filthy communication” because speaking against the Holy One of Israel, our Loving God, is repulsive. Believers must refuse all disgusting, foul, morally impure, vulgar or obscene language or thoughts to be truly holy in tongue and deed. The next verse (verse 9) points out that people should not lie to each other. We (ihlcc) are sure that this verse applies to all mankind but the Apostle Paul is specifically speaking to born-again Christians. It is a shame to the Body of Christ that our elders have to instruct us not to lie to other people or even yourself. The reason we (ihlcc) mention lying to yourself as sin is primarily because lying to yourself involves listening to the devil, the flesh or carnal reasoning over God. A lot of people fall into this category of lying to themselves by believing the lies of the devil. When you know the truth of God’s Word and choose to believe the ungodly lies of the wicked one this is considered self-induced lying primarily because you have a choice. This is a dangerous practice and keeps people in deception which is commonly known as mental darkness. Yes, many people know it is wrong to lie but the repercussions of lying cannot be measured. Countless scores of people are lied to on a regular basis through various avenues. “Filthy Communication” via lying comes through the media, your job, family members and/or even church leadership at certain times so to repeat the lie or to personally believe the lie is damaging to the cause of Christ. Measure all words, thoughts, phrases and teachings to the truth of God’s Word before you decide to communicate them to others. To lie to someone else is to propagate confusion and mischief in the earth which stands in conflict with truth. Yes, all those who practice lying on a consistent basis (as a lifestyle) they will have their part in the Lake of Fire. Christian’s all know that Jesus is the truth, therefore when we speak a lie they give voice to the devil or our flesh. This is the reason verse 9 reminds us that we have put off the old man, which had the nature of the flesh, when we became the children of God. As noted in verse 10 we have a new born-again spirit which is renewed (refreshed, restored) in the pure (Holy Bible) knowledge of God so that you can clearly understand (and imagine) the spiritual nature of God. As Christians we should speak and show Jesus Christ to the world as the Light of Love and the Mighty Savoir of our souls. This reflection of Jesus requires no lying, no acts of anger and no “filthy communication” coming from our lips. In today’s society the Christians are supposed to have the right answers consisting of the right substance of God’s Word. We have the clean communication of God’s Truth spoken in Love, so removing all “filthy communication” keeps us clean before God for our fellowman as testimonies of Jesus. Amen.